Thursday, June 28, 2012

What's happening in 252?

You may be wondering what's happening in 252.  Well, here's the answer...someone is getting wet.  Watch the video and see for yourself!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Gathering

If you missed The Gathering on Sunday missed out!  We had a great time together laughing, sharing and supporting our students.

Angry Birds was a huge success!  Everyone was involved either by holding the slingshot, shooting the birds, stacking the boxes and pigs or just be cheering everyone on as they played.

If you missed it, make sure you are a part next month.  I hear that there may be ice cream!

See you at The Gathering, July 29th at 6:00pm

Parent Cue - Week of June 24, 2012

Trust - Putting your confidence in someone you can depend on.


Memory Verse - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." Matthew 22:37-38

Bible Story - Walking on Water (Matthew 14:22-33)

Bottom Line - I can depend on God because He's bigger than my fears.

Meal Time -

Ask a kid:  What is one thing that you are confident God can do?  How can that help you trust Him?

Ask a parent:  How can you remember to trust God, even in difficult situations?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

God Time Devotions for Kids - Week of June 20, 2012

Day 1
Read Mark 4:39-40

Did you know that hurricanes are given their own name?  This makes it easier for communication purposes, especially when more than one storm is brewing.

What are the names of storms in your life right now?  Write them on a sheet of paper.  It could be things like "a hard class" or "divorce" or "didn't make the team".  Naming your storms is important because it makes it easier to talk to God about them when you realize exactly what they are!

Spend some time talking to God about your storms.  Think about the power Jesus had to stop the storm in its tracks.  Can you trust God with your storm?  He may not stop it, but you can definitely trust Him to carry and stay with you through it.

THANK God for keeping you safe in all of life's storms.

Day 2
Read Psalm 55:22

Do you have a favorite chair you sit in while you watch TV, or a certain seat where you like to sit at the dinner table?  Hopefully it's a sturdy chair and you don't have to worry about falling out of it.  In fact, most of the time we're sitting down, we don't even think about whether the chair we're about to put our whole body on can actually support us, do we?  Without even thinking about it, we're putting all our trust in that one chair - that it will hold us up and not let us fall or get hurt.

How cool would it be if we could trust God the same way?  That without even thinking about it, we would always trust Him to hold us up and know that He wouldn't let us fall.  Because He won't - He's promised He'll always be there to carry us through the storms.  God sit in a favorite chair now, wiggle around a bit, and that God for being trustworthy.

ASK God to help you trust Him with your whole heart.

Day 3
Read Nahum 1:7

Where would your family go if a storm was coming?  Hopefully your family has a plan for where you would go to be safe during an emergency.

What about that place makes it safe?  List all of the things that make you feel safe when you're there.

The truth is, no matter how sturdy or strong your family's hiding place is, it's never going to be as safe as you are with God.  Look at the list you made.  Do the words you used to describe your safe place apply to God too?  Hopefully so, because God is the safest place you can go!  The next time you have a storm in your life - a bad day, you're scared, your friend is mean to you - run first to God.

THINK about all the ways God has been your safe place and thank Him!

Day 4
Read 1 Peter 5:7

Have you ever done a trust fall.  Get a parent (or older sibling that you trust) and ask them for help with this one.  Put some pillows down on the floor.  Then fold your arms across your chest and fall back over them, trusting your parent will catch you.  (Parents, be sure to do it!)

Whey did you trust your parent to not let you fall?  Was it because you have the strongest mom or dad in the world?  Was it because they knew you'd be mad if they let you fall?  While all of that maybe true, that's probably not why you trusted them.  You trusted them because you know that they love you and care for you, and they don't want to see you get hurt.  If your parents love you that much, how much more does your heavenly Father love and care for you - the One who made you?  He IS the strongest in the whole world and he is bigger than all your problems.

KNOW that you can trust God because He is bigger than all your problems and He cares for you!

Parent Cue - Week of June 17, 2012

Trust - Putting your confidence in someone you can depend on.


Memory Verse - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." Matthew 22:37-38

Bible Story - Calming the Storm (Mark 4:35-40)

Bottom Line - I can depend on God because He's bigger than my problems.

Meal Time -

Ask a kid:  Is there someone you trust even when you're afraid?

Ask a parent:  How can fears keep you from trusting others?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God Time Devotions for Kids - June 10, 2012

Day 1
Luke 12:29-30

You may not stay up all night worrying about what you'll eat or drink the next day, but have you ever wanted something so badly that you couldn't get your mid off of it?  Think of your favorite flavor of ice cream sandwiched between your cookie of choice, dripping with chocolate or caramel sauce.  Now, stop!  Stop thinking about hat super delicious dessert.  You can't, right?  Once you've envisioned something and imagined what it looks like, it can be hard to let that image go.

If you've ever WANTED something so bad - like a video game, a pair of shoes, a toy - that you couldn't stop thinking about it, then chances are that you have all you NEED.  It's possible that God sometimes lets us go without things we WANT because He wants us to stop worrying about what we don't have and TRUST Him to provide for our NEEDS!

Thank God that He always provides what you need and even blesses us with extra.

Day 2
Philippians 4:19
Think about a typical day in your life.  What are your NEEDS?  Not your wants, but what you truly need to survive and live another day.  Make a list of what those needs are.

Now thing through the day ahead of you.  Will most of those needs be met?  Will you have food to eat, clothes to wear, and a place to sleep?  If you're nodding, then that's a reason to thank God, isn't it?  How awesome that we can trust God to meet our biggest needs?

Ask God to help you see all the ways He meets your needs every day.

Day 3
Psalm 37:25

We can trust God to meet our needs, and sometimes God even uses us to meet the needs of others!  When you look around the world an see people who are hungry, hurting or lonely, it can make you feel sad or even angry.  But think about his:  maybe God gave you extra of something - more than you need - so you can share with others.  And since you can trust God to meet your needs, you can feel free to share what you have, knowing that God will keep on meeting your needs.

Think of someone who had a need that you can meet because God has provided for you.

How can you share with them and show them that God cares for them?

Look for ways to be a part of God's plan to provide for others!

Day 4
Matthew 6:26

God outside and find some kind of living thing (not your pet!).  Maybe you can find a squirrel in a tree.  Or maybe you can flip over a rock or dig in the dirt looking for bugs!  Or look up to see a bird flying.  Then sit down and watch the animal or insect for awhile.  Think about what it eats and where it sleeps.  It doesn't have a "job," a savings account, parents with a job, or go to school, does it?  Yet somehow, that creature has survived and is likely to live another day.

If God is taking care of a measly worm or ant, how much more do you think He is providing for you?  That doesn't mean we don't do our part, of course, but even the jobs we get, all that we learn, and the money in our parents' back account comes from Him.  Take some time right now to thank Him for being a God we can trust to provide for our every need.

Know that your needs are being met by the Creator of everything in the world!

Parent Cue - Week of June 10, 2012

Trust - Putting your confidence in someone you can depend on.


Memory Verse - "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment."  Matthew 22:37-38

Bible Story - Feeding Five Thousand (John 6:1-14)

Bottom Line - I can depend on God because He provides for me.

Meal Time -

     Ask a kid:  What might happen if you didn't trust anyone in your life?  (not teachers, not parents, not friends, not siblings or babysitters)

     Ask a parent:  How do you know you can trust God to provide for us?